Below is a letter to the Editors of the Lowell Ledger and Lowell’s First Look regarding the ongoing efforts of a small group of disrupters to use the school libraries as a political tool. Written and submitted by Steve Gough, LHS Principal & Parent and Christine Beachler, LAS Library Media Director
Open Letter to the Lowell Community
The Lowell Area Schools libraries are the learning hubs of our school district. They are busy places where students can go to relax, hear a story read aloud, work individually or in groups, get tutoring, use technology resources, find a book, read, or any number of activities. They support academic achievement while helping students become lifelong learners and lifelong readers. Libraries help develop this love of reading by providing safe places for all to feel valued, welcomed and represented, where they can find books that specifically match their interests. The dedicated LAS library staff works hard to inspire, motivate, entertain, encourage, and challenge Lowell students by choosing books which represent all areas of interest, reading levels, learning styles, and curricular needs.
With almost 4000 LAS students and over 125,000 library books, maintaining book collections containing something for everyone is a complicated balance. A book may be the perfect fit for one student but not appropriate for another, either in terms of content or reading level. Our library staff continually studies the district’s collections and updates them based on the newest curricular topics, newest best sellers, student and teacher suggestions, and various book reviewing sources. LAS library staff also utilize several criteria for rating the appropriateness of books available in the collections. The industry standard which results in most K-8 grade-level titles being rated Juvenile and most 9-12 grade-level titles rated YA (Young Adult). In addition, all book choices must fall within LAS School Board policies which follow the standards for public school districts. Board policy also offers parents the opportunity to restrict their student’s access to any book, topic, genre or material they believe conflict with their beliefs or values. Parents also have a mechanism to formally challenge a book title they do not feel belongs in the school library collection. Anyone interested in reading the Board of Education’s policies regarding curriculum, materials and books can find them on the LAS website. All of this information has also appeared in each LAS school building’s newsletter and makes it very clear that parents have complete control over the books their children check out from LAS libraries.
In spite of these clearly-stated policies, there remains a small group of parents who claim the district’s library collections contain obscene and even pornographic materials that are readily available to every LAS student. These accusations are patently false, but members of this group have been stridently outspoken at Board Meetings, in the media and on social media platforms, attacking district staff, administrators and school board members by name. To date, not a single book has been challenged via the district’s established book review procedure. Yet this group’s accusations remain.
Instead of utilizing LAS policies to officially challenge district library materials, the group members use public comment time at board meetings to read the most salacious excerpts they can find from books in the district’s collection. They misrepresent which libraries the books are in, which students have access to these books, and ignore the fact that in order to be considered obscene a work must be taken in whole, not in part.
The parent group seems to be pushing a particular political agenda and want everyone to believe that only their definition of what constitutes appropriate reading materials should be used in Lowell schools. Under the guise of wanting to “protect all children,” they insinuate that they alone are qualified to review and rate the district’s collections and decide for ALL LAS stakeholders which books are appropriate. Despite the fact that the district uses its trained library staff, industry standards and book review experts to guide the selection and placement process, the parent group seems to believe all other parents, students and staff should trust them to guide the process instead.
We felt the need to respond to these baseless attacks in order to support our school board, administration and staff; good people who have dedicated their time, energy and expertise to benefiting the students and families in the Lowell school district. These professionals deserve to be treated respectfully and with a tremendous amount of gratitude for jobs well done. The inappropriate social media behavior and mean-spirited comments from this small group of parents are counterproductive to our educational goals of putting students first and instilling the love of reading. We feel it is time to concentrate on teaching and learning and turn the focus back to educating students.
Steve Gough Christine Beachler
LHS Principal & Parent LAS Library Media Director
Link to add your signature of support:
Community supporters of this message currently include:
Chaye Klomparens
Kathy Homer
Phil Beachler
Jeffrey Larsen
Katelynd Pulver
Julie Pelletier
Lindsay Bredin
Eric Bredin
Maggie Duimstra
Margaret Tuori
Kim Lum
Chelsey Liu
Robert VanderJagt
Leah M Groves
Sarah Murray
Heather Gray
Jason Liley
Emily Liley
Amy Velazco-Snell
Kaitlyn Richardson
Julie Schulz
Claire Vandenburg
Coletta Brown
Dawn Emelander
Shelly MacNaughton
Scott MacNaughton
Sarah Thompson
Anna Mainero
Sherri Billock
Allison Butkus
Parker Liu
Theresa DeWit
Elaine Buehner
Nicole Lintemuth
Sean Staudacher
Chloe Bayer
Jared Kellum
Elizabeth Sparks
Grey Grooters
David Kapolka
Jodie Seese
Rick Seese
Kristin Schutte
Carol Hovinga
Nancy Misner
Jack Misner
Sherri Billock
Shelli Otten
Freeman Billock
Erin Foltz
Antosha Duczkowski-Oxley
Emily Betz
Meg March
Sandy Liu
Mandi M Moore
Jaclyn Stouten
Brian Hook
Taylor Hook
Daven Donald
Susan Snell
Mike DeVore
Emily Cannon
Amy LeClaire
Dan Mooney
Tara DeRuiter
Lindsey O’Connor
Melissa Martin
Connie Uramkin
Melissa Tichelaar
Dorothy Anible
Sarah Allchin
David Brandt
Erin Brandt
Laurie Summerfield
Shannon Goodwin
Josh Rose
Kristin Mooney
Matt Richardson
Emma Wikstrom
Marci Billock
Sara Hood
Kortney Beachler
Hillary Coaker
Abigail Sweeney
Jailine Gomez
Whitney Hoard
Jill VanAntwerp
Chris VanAntwerp
Emily Judd
Matthew Beachler
Ted Kushion
Deb Kushion
Misty McClure-Anderson
Matthew Block
Melissa Catanach
Kate Bredwell
Anne Douglass
Amy Boston
Jennifer Barnes
Melissa Block
Bobbie Minier
Teresa Kiser
Ashley Velzen
Annie McMahon Whitlock
Katie Coxon
Al Eckman
Philip Haagensen
Erin Lyons
Leighann Kohl
Melissa Lancaster
Jennifer Wheaton
Maddi Emelander
Judy Guider
Martha Hayden
Kristen Yeary
Michelle Chrisman
Dan Chrisman
Sue Wilterink
Jennifer Jackson
Valerie Giuliano
Carol Thomson Webb
Ann Nichols
Sara Guile
Leighann Kohl
Melissa Lancaster
Jennifer Wheaton
Maddi Emelander
Judy Guider
Martha Hayden
Kristen Yeary
Michelle Chrisman
Dan Chrisman
Sue Wilterink
Jennifer Jackson
Valerie Giuliano
Carol Thomson Webb
Ann Nichols
Sara Guile
Terry Raymor
Vicki Danielson
James Thomas Danielson
James Franklin Danielson
Karen Burd
Megan Getz
Jacquelyn Tatge
Justin Tatge
Sue Dempsey
Ethel Stears
Amy Boston
Amber Waldecker
Peter Schmidt
Monica Duczkowski
Donald Duczkowski
Sue Johnston
Tami Heckaman
Robin Fox
Margaret Nordman
Jack Heckaman
Greg Briggs
Mark Weaver
Sandy VanStee
Margaret Hoats
Erin Brandt
David Brandt
Julie Smith
Deborah Riley
Abbey Mix
Mallory Koster
Jacoba Briggs-Limbers
Patrick Hendrick
Jenna Smith
Dr. Gregory Forbes
Ann Forbes
Bonnie Barthel
John Barthel
Debi Stears
Kara Bykerk
Mary Roth
Carmen Spike
Amy Albert
Joanne Reynolds
Tiffany Mundt
Paul Mundt
Anne Miller
Alyssa Farnham
Colleen Nisbet
Bethany Joy Winn
Jessica Haveman
Carrie Moskal
Jake Kutilek
Megan Maginity
Professor Sharon Wynkoop
Dianna Boston
Sarah Fountaine
Rachel Francisco
Debra Knooihuisen
Keith Golinski
Laurie McKee
Elizabeth Malartsik
Gretchen Ballema
Kelly Lester
Kelsey Postema
Kenneth Ballems
Merrie Smit
Dianne MacNaughton
Sarah Allchin
Mary Bommarito
Diane and Roger LaWarre
Nancy Kistler
Teresa Beachum
Perry Beachum
Laura Golinski
Kristine Hendricks
Chris judge
Jackson MacNaughton
Sue Clements
Mike Curtis
Trudy Cahoon
Nancy Roth
Dale Latva
Karen Latva
Heidi Kolp
Jennifer Bolhuis
Noelle Rottier
James Christians
Cathy Wood
Shelley Swift
Elizabeth Couture
Jen Conner
Nancy Richter
Amy Gless
Bonnie Norment-Anderson
Maureen Kissinger
Courtney Young
Sariah Ross-Malach
Kristie Whaley
Deborah Riley
Bisera Riordan
Clay VanderWarf
Sara Duczkowski
Janel Hafer
Kelley Stewart
Casey Saylor
Judy Mitchell
Kimberly VanBelois-Smith
Carrie Vonderheide
Danielle Churchill
Genevieve McDaniels
Lisa Plank
Lori Cyrocki
Erin Matlosz
Linne Bunn
Mindy Tiede
Ella Dougherty
Carey Hamel
Michele Morrell
Michelle Schaedig
Diane Hamel
John Hamel
Brianne Goodwin
Corey Schaedig
Gratia Lee
Nichole Dorsey
Tracy Loughlin
Heidi Greer
Logan McLeod
Shelly Severts
Andrew Sargent
Abby Wiseman
Phyllis Plumley
Nancy Dood
Janet Buche
Julie Niemela
Barbara Anderson
Rachel Millhisler
Kara Swayze
Jon Ballema
Keana Fahrni
Debra Helmes
Paul Cummings
Janet McCarthy-Fabis
Erin Meendering
Lacey Charboneau
Bill Ingraham
Alexandra McMahon
Colleen Miller
Brooke Miller
Juston Miller
Camille DeBoer
Courtney Willard
Evan Way
Audrey Soyka
Heidi Greer
Nancy Raymor
Brian VanVeelen
Shannon Todd
Cinda Quilitzsch
Vicki Vairet
Jennifer Hall
Bobbie White
Tuesday Gough
Deanna Wetters
Gail Hutchinson
Steph Bannan
Karen Corbett
Tom Burradell
Michelle Tackmann
Matt Nanninga
Sarah Velie
Gen McDaniels
Andrea Struckmeyer
Bob Rice
Lanie Rice
Alyssa Arnemann
Jenessa Cardinal
Jessica Melson
Nancy Hopkins
Erin Walters
Peggy Janei
Ray Wolfe
Jen Coviak
Erin Cardamone
Allison Geary-Gordon
Charlene English
Lisa Campos
Morgan Jarema
Glenna Blanding
Julia Crawford
Heather Eveland
Derik Eveland
Geri James
Denise Beimers
Ginny Lower
Peggy Idema
Cyndi Dalga
Ken Dalga
Drake English
Corbin English
Catherine Visokay
Cliff Yankovich
Jennifer Vanderhorst
Lisa Camfferman
Lori Ingraham
Barb Yowaish
Bunny Rice
Susie Wisler
Jonathan D Wiedyk
Amy Pearson
Wendi Vogel
Rochelle Cummings
Andrea VanderJagt
Bradley VanderJagt
Ana Dunn
Peter Vanderhorst
Kimberly Larsen
Katie Boggs
James Boggs
George Carroll
Brandi Melkild
Bisera Riordan
Becca Niemczyk-Fitch
Kate Dernocoeur
Patricia Haywood
Hannah Schmidt
Laura Garrison
Kathleen Golinski
Mike lincolnhol
Carmen Tawney
James E Turner
Jason Haybarker
Dawn Broderick
Heather Cooper
Corrine Haybarker
Gary Liu
Matthew Vogel
Nicole Ronda
Marcia M Kapolka
Eric Dexter
Lori Lincolnhol
Derek Foltz
Sue Sweet
Mark Blanding
Vicki Newman
Glenna Blanding
Angela Christians
Cindy Smith
Bill Smith
Erin Hendrick
Kathryn Ferrentino
Olivia Geiger
Sharon Ellison
Tony Ellison
Ashley Meek
Laura Judge
A’maya Hansen
Sharon MacDermaid
Susan McDonald
Katie Erickson
Sarah Ellis
Scott Hall
Kyle Holst
Jill Kirkpatrick
Bruce VanderJagt
Craig Fonger
Deborah MacDonald
Barbara Wismer
Tony Oxley
Amanita Fahrni
Robert Fahrni
Suzanne Carr
Jamee Willemstein
Kandice Way
Kylie Golden
Mary Carmichael
Roxanne Goff
Julie DeVoe
Alan Halbeisen
Bruce St. Pierre
Lyndsey Graham
Kristin Triplett
Kris Rickert
Bruce St. Pierre
Debra Helmes
Paul Cummings
Janet McCarthy-Fabis
Erin Meendering
Lacey Charboneau
Bill Ingraham
Alexandra McMahon
Colleen Miller
Brooke Miller
Juston Miller
Camille DeBoer
Courtney Willard
Evan Way
Audrey Soyka
Terry Raymor
Nancy Raymor
Brian VanVeelen
Shannon Todd
Cinda Quilitzsch
Vicki Vairet
Jennifer Hall
Bobbie White
Tuesday Gough
Logan McLeod
Shelly Severts
Andrew Sargent
Abby Wiseman
Phyllis Plumley
Nancy Dood
Janet Buche
Julie Niemela
Barbara Anderson
Rachel Millhisler
Kara Swayze
Jon Ballema
Keana Fahrni
Philip Haagensen
Erin Lyons
Nancy Wills
Mark Weaver
Stephanie Weaver
Kristen Redell
Sara Taylor
Cheryl Smith
Denise Stepanovich
Shannon Kennedy
Kate Henige
Jacob Henige
Terri Gless Steffens
Dan Thaler
Megan Taratuta
Colleen Nisbet
Daniel Taratuta
Victoria Pratt
Michael Bosch
Courtney Rickstad
James Gray
Rebecca Gray
Bridget Gray
Kimberly Smith
Jessica McLeod-Sopczynski