Here you will find links to many useful resources to fact-check information, learn more about topics and connect with organizations you find compelling.
We hope you find this page helpful.
Support Forest Hills Schools is a wonderful example of community support for their school system. They’re our neighbor and are facing many of the same attacks from the same people. Their info is great, applies to the Lowell area in most cases, and we recommend them as a resource.
Curious about Indoctrination, CRT, SEL, and “Furries”? This resource from Supportfhps is a very good primer on these topics. It’s a short read and helpful when evaluating some of the outrageous claims seen on social media.
Read a recent letter to the editors of The Lowell Ledger and Lowell’s First Look regarding attacks on the Lowell school libraries.
For the Record is a page where we directly address specific instances of disingenuous, inflammatory, or outright false claims about the Lowell Area Schools district.
Listen Up is a page where you can find unedited audio recordings of Board and workgroup meetings.