Sorting through all the negative messages can be exhausting. Even more so when an individual, candidate, or committee is purposely creating a misleading or downright dishonest message to try and sway your views.
We can’t possibly keep up with all the false claims made on the Internet, and there are many wonderful resources available to understand larger national issues. You can find links to many of them on our Resources page.
Here, we’ll address Lowell Area Schools specific messaging that is intentionally designed to mislead or misinform. We hope you find these quick examples helpful in understanding some of the charged claims being made.
10-7-2022: Too many candidates = Something is wrong!
10-8-2022: Bad Books!
10-29-2022: Who Paid for the Candidate Forum?!
11-5-2022: The Website is Down!
3-2-2025: Support LAS bullies…