Sorting through all the negative messages can be exhausting. Even more so when a candidate and committee is purposely creating a misleading or downright dishonest message to try and sway your vote.

We can’t possibly keep up with all the false claims made on the Internet, and there are many wonderful resources available to understand larger national issues. You can find links to many of them on our Resources page.

Here, we’ll address Lowell School Board-specific messaging that is intentionally designed to mislead or misinform voters. We hope you find these quick examples helpful in understanding some of the charged claims being made.

Multiple candidates obviously means something is wrong

Posted on Facebook 10-7-2022

For the Record:
Multiple people stepping up to volunteer for public service is a great representation of Lowell community engagement.

Did you feel informed or manipulated reading that message?

No specifics, no tangible examples of something wrong. Just a bunch of random questions designed to launch your imagination into the abyss. We’re guessing you have better things to do with your time. People who play with your blood pressure for their own messaging goals aren’t honoring your intellect or respecting your valuable time.

We find this type of messaging disrespectful to voters; a failure to clearly outline concerns and how the candidate would specifically address them isn’t helpful.

Insinuating the sky is falling without evidence… well, there’s a children’s book about that. We all know the story, which makes the peach metaphor just kind of ‘off’…

Let’s address the post - point by point:

  • The author didn’t attribute the opening “quote” to anyone, so who knows what the context is. They expect you to do the work.

  • We are unaware of any time when Lowell Board members, the superintendent and/or admins have stated there aren’t problems or work to be done. We’d expect specific quotes from this author if statements alluding to this were actually made, yet none are shared.

  • There are 8 candidates running as a result of the divisive, mean-spirited and ultimately failed recall attempt that was launched earlier this year. It was ugly, embarrassing and unnecessary. Community members have stepped up as a result.

  • It’s silly to suggest elections aren’t a legitimate part of our community process. This community will choose their board members in the upcoming election, and we certainly hope the result will be respected.

  • Heated? We’re not heated… If others are, it’s their choice to be that way. They’d like you to be angry and distrustful - it’s the goal of the “peach post”: to wind you up and upset you. Heated is their campaign tactic - to steal your peace, raise your rage and get you to vote accordingly.

  • Forums / Meet and Greets are a bad thing now? Is the author suggesting that meeting constituents and answering questions isn’t a good use of their time? Yikes! We can’t imagine someone with that attitude being easy to work with as a school board member…

  • As far as money goes, we can’t speak for the individual candidates or the group this author leads. That said, we’ve spent less than an average mortgage payment for the entirety of 2022 - this includes our work against that nasty recall campaign during the summer. We’re not spending money; we’re doing the work.

  • Meat and Potatoes?
    With the sky falling as they claim, we really wish there was at least one apple on the menu.

Is it reasonable to assume the candidates listed on the post approved the ‘info’ in the post and endorsed the tactic? None have come forward to distance themselves.